Before installing track on my spline roadbed, I needed to set the grade out of Oakridge. For the remainder of the mainline up to Klammath Falls the track climbs at 2.5% starting immediately in Oakridge. When I built my benchwork I took the grade into account, however in the Salmon Creek area directly adjacent to Oakridge I originally planned to use 1/2" plywood for my subroadbed, not my 1" tall spline. As such, I needed to notch the benchwork on one of the joists to allow for the appropriate grade.
Notch marked and ready to be cut out. Red/black wires are mainline bus wires while the green/white are for the future Pope & Talbot Mill.
Roughly cut with coping saw and chisel. Cleaned the cut with a wood rasp and sanding block for a smooth fit.
Fitting the spline into the notch, which set the proper grade out of Oakridge. Secured to benchwork with countersunk #6x1.5" woodscrew.
In places where the spline rose above the height of the benchwork, I used 1x3 premium lumber cut to height as risers. I have found this to be the best for the spline in other areas of the layout. Again the spline is attached to the benchwork with #6 screws.
Riser installed in Salmon Creek area.
Risers installed over what will be a much scaled down version of Salmon Creek. Note the faint pencil lines on the fascia which will be cut out to match profile of terrain.
After risers were secured, I added track directly to the spline with clear caulk for adhesive. I used a plane to smooth any roughness in the spline and followed that with a sanding block before installing the track. Feeders were soldered to the rains and before long the first (albeit short) freight rumbled its way out of Oakridge and further onto the Cascade Sub.

A short freight makes its way up the hill after waiting in Oakridge for track to be completed.
With one more short section of spline to install, roadbed is 95% complete for the layout with 50% of the run fully operational. Soon the busy mainline will open for UP revenue freights and the Amtrak Coast Starlight!
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