Friday, January 12, 2018

Building Westfir-Part 1

Travels naturally cut this project into two phases, and I wanted to share some progress of the Westfir area of the railroad, before continuing work in a few days. To provide some brief background, Westfir is located to the north/east of Oakridge, and is the first modeled portion of the railroad. Benchwork for the area had been built a few years back, but the area has sat dormant since that time.

Beginnings of subroadbed. Was planning on doing spline in the area, however had 1/2" ply leftover and decided to make use of it for Westfir. In the bottom of the photo trains enter/exit the layout to/from Eugene staging and travel uphill to Oakridge. This section along the wall is 10 feet long and has a continuous 2.5% grade throughout, before leveling off in Eugene 44 inches off the floor. 

The area has received cork roadbed on the mainline. Where the subroadbed bulges is a short spur (facing point from Eugene). Operationally this will be a team track of sorts, maybe will use for MOW operations. Provides some flexibility as well as some scenic interest. Just beyond the siding the main will enter a short tunnel. In this photo cork has been laid to the start of the passing siding at the edge of Oakridge. 

This is the subroadbed for the curve into Oakridge itself. The radius is somewhere in the ball park of 27-30 inches, my main focus on keeping everything smooth and transitions negotiable. This scene will of course highlight the railroad infrastructure of a control point, but also allow me the most room to set the scene of Oakridge itself. In the foreground will be Commerce Road, a small two lane road that parallels the mainline, as well as a small home or two. In the background, I will paint the surrounding hills on the backdrop, and transition forward using trees, fences, backs of homes, etc. This corner will be an essential spot for capturing the time and place of the railroad. 

Same scene with mainlines corked. 

Last turnout installed in Eugene, along with switch machine. 

Part two of Building Westfir will see the completion of the trackwork, with a detailed look at the spur, as well as the wiring and electronics involved for the area. 

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