Sunday, January 31, 2016

Late January Progress Update

After a relaxing and rejuvenating holiday season, life has returned to normal (aka less train time). Despite this change in schedules some progress has been made on the Eugene Staging. 

Early in the month I received an order from FastTracks with all the necessities to begin building turnouts and after a tool swap (customer service is fantastic) I was able to start building some turnouts. I have four built so far, and each has gotten progressively better in quality. I will admit to not being an expert and I imagine spending time later perfecting my early attempts, however the jig and tools allow for quality pieces of trackwork to be produced in a short amount of time. Below is an example of a right handed #6 sitting on the new cork in Eugene.

Yes! Cork has arrived. For roadbed I found myself in a toss up between cork and Homabed. Cork eventually won out because I have used it before and my local shop offers a constant supply. I have found that clear caulk is the best adhesive, as the cork is easy to pry up in the case of realignment.

One box of Midwest Products Cork when a fairly long way completing about 70% of the roadbed in Eugene.

Here is the beginning of the west ladder in Eugene.

Tracks 1, 2, and half of 3 at the east ladder.

Looking west at tracks 1, 2, and 3

This curve needed to be realigned, a simple project to fix a simple mistake.

Quick spacing test with some rolling stock. The MEC boxcar is a current weathering project. Stay tuned for more about that.

Two inch track centers leave just the right amount of room.

East yard ladder early on.

The finished east ladder.

West end receiving some realignment.

West ladder.

I have three goals for the upcoming month: The first is to finish building turnouts for Eugene. I have 5 more to go and can do one in just over an hour. Secondly, I hope to finish the cork work in Eugene. What's left will take an afternoon. Finally, Klammath  Falls needs to be constructed. Klammath Falls is the other staging yard railroad west of Eugene (south) however it hangs at 77 inches off the floor. It is a mirror image of Eugene and shouldn't be too complicated to construct. 

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