My Studio

This page is in progress and may not be in its finalized format. - John

The Shed Studio:

My current modeling space is located in a shed with a finished interior in my backyard. The shed is around 13'x10' and provides a very comfortable environment for engaging in the hobby largely free from distractions. Since moving in, I've spent time customizing the space to meet my modeling needs and to create a space that can adequately support the types of projects I tend to engage in. 

My approach has been to create a space more akin to a studio than a workshop. Practically this means creating a space that is not only functional but aesthetically pleasing and inspirational. To that end, I've tried to keep spaces clean and modeling supplies not currently in use put away. The reality is that while the shed is primarily use for hobbies, it also serves as an office for my wife, play area for my daughter, and storage area for various things including gift wrapping supplies, books, stationary, and other art supplies. 

The Workbench:

My current workbench, a hobby table from Ikea, has been with me for a few years, first in a studio, then an appartment bedroom, and now in the shed studio. It's perfect for how I like to work and set up my bench. I much prefer a clean and open area with my supplies away unless in use. 

The table is designed to have up to four work stations, but with only two chairs  and one me, I prefer to have two areas set up and active at a time.

One half of the table is my weathering station where I have my palette, brushes, water and thinners, foam cradle, and other supplies used for weathering models. Directly underneath this work station I have my airbrush and hairdryer. The table drawers directly adjacent to the weathering station contain paints and decals (more on this in the organization section)

The other half of the table is often a "flex" station, but most commonly I have it set up with a spot  for in-progress models, supplies I am currently using (or will use soon) and a small cutting mat and workstation for detailing and decaling models. 

The entire table is illuminated with a hobby light from Daylight which can extend to any part of the table if necessary. In time, I may pick up an additional light or magnifier, but prefer a cleaner look to my work space, as mentioned above. 

Storage and Organization:

Tools of the Trade:

Paints, etc.:

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